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TOP 5 Anime that help to learn japanese........

 Now a days Anime is everyone's favorite things to watch. It is very fun to watch Anime.
Japanese anime is very popular around the world. Every body enjoy and love to watch Anime but main problem is language. But there are some anime which will help you to learn Japanese. Watching anime is not only fun but also it help us to learn Japanese.

Anime has a lot to offer to Japanese students on every level. Anime is a great learning tool because it's fun and there is a lot of in it.  For the beginners in Japanese language there are some fun anime you can watch and get into improve your Japanese.

It's not that only watching Anime will make you fluent in Japanese Of course studying is important but the following list of anime will help you practice your listening skills. Also it will help you In conversation, Japanese culture etc.

1. Shirokuma cafe (しろくまカフェ) / Polar bear cafe.
Genres: Comedy
Episodes- 50

This anime is about a polar bear that open a cafeteria near zoo.This anime is a great source for beginner level Japanese language students.The language is quite easy and we can learn lots of vocabulary. There's also variety of situations that takes place like work situation, home situation which are important for us to learn.

2. Chi's Sweet Home (チーズスイートホム)
Genre: Slice of life, Comedy

Chi's Sweet Home is a story about A kitten named Chi. This anime is cute and simple like children's cartoon. But it will help you Learn Japanese simply. This anime is good for beginners who wants to learn Japanese because It uses really simple, short sentences which help to learn conversation and phrases easily. Mainly you can learn home related and pet related vocabulary.

3. Bartender (バーテンダー)
Genre: Drama, Slice of life
Episodes: 11

Bartender is a story about a boy named Sasakura Ryu. He is a genius who can make the most incredible cocktails anyone has ever tasted. By watching this anime we can know about emotions, culture etc of peoples. We can also learn about conversation.
4. Death Note (デスノート)
Genres: Mystery, supernatural thriller
Episodes: 37

Death note is one of the no. 1 anime of Japan.This is a story about a boy Light Yagami who found a mysterious notebook called "Death Note". The Death Note grants permission to eliminate those whose names appears on it's pages.Light undertake the mission to kill those who hw think are unworthy to live. 

5. karakai jozu no Takaki san(からかいじょうずのたかぎさん)
Teasing master Takagi San
Genres:Romantic comedy, Slice of life
Eposides: 24+ Ova

Teasing master Takagi san is the series about the daily life of Takagi, who loves to tease her classmate Nishikata.This anime is good for learning Japanese because they use everyday vocabulary and simple sentences. The characters also speak very slowly which makes us easy to understand words.we can also learn about Japanese teenagers and their daily life.


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