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MY List of Japanese Drama which help to learn japanese language and culture.

 Now a days watching Japanese dramas and anime is everyone's favorite thing. Watching Japanese dramas is very addicting. People usually watch Japanese dramas for fun and interest. But did you know that watching Japanese drama is a pretty good way to study Japanese language and culture. We can enjoy watching Japanese dramas while learning some Japanese language and culture. I personally experience that. We cannot learn Japanese language only by watching drama but studying is also important but Japanese dramas somehow help it to make interesting and easier.

1. Choose some useful and right dramas which shows Japanese culture, school, etc.
2. At first you can watch with subtitles then you should watch without subtitle you can repeat it.
3. You can also note down some important phrases.
4. You can practice repeating the dialogs.


1.  My little lover

My little lover (Minami kun no koibito) is a mixture of fantasy, school drama and romance about a high school girl who accidentally become small in height. She was discovered by her childhood friend whom she used to like. They both try to find a way to restore her to normal size. By watching this drama we can learn Japanese conversation of young peoples, students, parents etc. This drama is enjoyable to watch and Learn some simple conversation.

2.You taught me all of the precious things.
You taught me all the precious things is the school drama which shows the relation between teachers and students.The story is about Shuji Kashiwagi a biology teacher, his student Hikari saeki and his girlfriend Natsumi Uemura. This drama is very interesting to watch and also there are many terms or conversation you can learn which real students talk.

3. Good Morning call
Good Morning call is a typical school romance drama about two high school students, Uehara and Yoshikawa who have to share an apartment because of scam. This drama is based on a comic book series.There are two seasons. This drama is very entertaining but also the phrases and conversation are easy to understand.This is great for observing casual words and phrases. 
I recommend this drama because it helps me in listening skill. 

4. From 5 to 9

From 5 to 9 is another Japanese drama that is based on manga. this is the story about a 28 years old English teacher who had no boyfriend and aims to move to New york someday and a handsome monk Hoshikawa Takane. This drama is comedy and romantic and interesting to watch also we can learn about some Japanese culture of temples. We can learn about daily phrases and conversation.


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