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Use of particle E/He(へ)

The particle に and へ looks confusing.
 But if you remember that に represents
the destination and へ represents the direction
 towards, it`s no more difficult to use.
We have already learned the use of に in
 previous post, lets see some examples for use of へ;

❶ 学校行きます。
 I will go to school. It means,
 I will go to school or towards school.
 I will go anywhere else after school.
 Here school is not the final destination.

❷  えきむかっています。
  I am heading towards railway station.

❸ かれはこうばんむかっている。
  He is going towards police station.

❹ どこいくの。
  Where are you going?

❺ びょういんいきます。
  I am going to hospital.

    Vocabulary ;
学校 ー がっこう ー School
駅  ー えき   ー Station
彼  ー かれ   ー He
向かうー むかう  ー heading toward
どこ        ー where
病院 ー びょういんー hospital


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